We believe in the power of prayer! The Bible says that whatever we ask for in His name and His will He will give it to us, "And whatever you ask in My name, I will do so that through the Son the greatness of the Father becomes visible.
(John 14:13)
And because we know that he listens to us, whatever we ask him, we also know that we have already received everything we asked him to do. (1 John 5:15)
(Jeremiah 29:12, Mark 11:24) All those who call upon him are near to the LORD, who call him with firm faith. (Psalm 145: 18)
We pray in the name of Jesus, praying is talking, having a conversation just as you do with your father, mother, friend, spouse or child, miss, master you name it. Praying is not difficult you can say everything, tell how you feel what you are concerned with, you can discuss which direction you can best go, for example, or what your best choice would be for you or questions (1 John 5:14) ask and ask for something ... you can always turn to the Lord Jesus if you need help or just don't like it anymore, you can cry with him and laugh with him, beg him and yell at him, and give thanks (1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18, Romans 12:12) You can tell Him what is bothering you, and even how annoying you find someone, There is nothing crazy and He has everything an answer and solution.
"In my need I cried unto the LORD,
I shouted to my God for help.
He heard my voice in his palace,
my calling reached his ears (Psalm 18: 7)
You can pray anywhere, somewhere alone where nobody sees you. "But when you pray, retire to your house, close the door and pray to your Father who is in the hidden. And your Father who sees in the hidden, will reward you for it (Matthew 6: 6) or if you are in a rush ... then you pray in yourself.
And through prayer everything is possible, prayer is not magic or magical, prayer is a serious conversation with our living God in an "invisible" realm.
He tells us to ask! and He says we lack because we do not ask.