John Gosselaar
For more than 45 years I have tried to spread the great message of God's Grace through music singing and preaching through Jesus Christ on streets and squares.
Sponsor a child in need
A vulnerable child
Children are the biggest victims
extreme poverty. Violence, exploitation;
it's reality, it's happening. But Jesus
don't abandon them. Become part of
their story ...
Compassion started in Korea in 1952 with the dream of one man: the American evangelist Everett Swanson. During and just after the Korea War, he saw the horrors in the country where he worked as an army pastor. Children roamed the streets because they were orphaned or rejected.
One on one
Back in America, Swanson did not let go and he started supporting an orphanage. Soon more orphanages were added and it became apparent that there was a need for long-term assistance. In 1952 he set up a sponsorship program. In this way a western family could support a child in need: the beginning of Compassion. His inspiration came from Matthew 15:32: “I have compassion on the multitudes. I will not send them away. "
2 million
What started with 35 orphans in Korea has grown to more than 2 million children worldwide. We now work in 25 developing countries on 3 continents: Asia, Africa and Latin America. Compassion has been active in the Netherlands since 1996.
Theo Tolsma & Hillebrand Rijpma
Mission and vision
Mission - L4N
"We support the believers in Israel and the Palestinian territories in sharing the gospel of Jesus the Messiah."
“But how can people worship the Lord if they don't believe in Him? How can they believe in Him if they have never heard of Him? How can they hear from Him if no one has told them about Him? And how can anyone tell about him if he is not sent? It says in the Books: "How wonderful it is to hear the footsteps of someone coming to bring good news!" But not everyone has believed the good news he heard. The prophet Isaiah says, "Lord, who has believed what he heard from me?" So you can only begin to believe if you have really heard what is being told about Christ.
Romeinen 10:14
Vision - L4N
"Light4Nations inspires people to become light bearers of Jesus and to testify so that the darkness in this world will give way to His Heavenly light!
" Be the Light "
"As long as I am in the world, I am the light for the World"
John 9: 5
What to expect
Jaap & Swaantje Kooij
FMF Hans & Esther Tims
Jildou Bakker
Compassion Netherlands
John Gosselaar
Light4Nations Theo Tolsma & Hillebrand Rijpma
Blessing of the leaders of Ready Church
Main speaker
Jaap Kooij
Jaap Kooij, the butcher's servant and youth elder of the Reformed Church in St. Pancras, North Holland, came in radical contact with the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ in the late 1950s.
For Jaap and Swaantje the big task still applies: "Proclaim this gospel to all nations". They are thus still a source of inspiration for the municipality of today and the municipality leaders of tomorrow.
FMF Leaders
Hans & Esther Tims
Hans and Esther Tims are predecessors of the New Testament Congregation IJsselstein and leaders of the He Live Ministries Foundation. Hans Tims is also editor-in-chief of Church Life Magazine. After being a full-time evangelist for 10 years, Hans has had a successful career in business for 25 years, to start working full-time again for the Lord in 2000.
His vision for transferring knowledge from a biblical perspective has meanwhile proved to be of great value to both business and churches and municipalities. Wife Esther Tims is a famous gospel singer. Hans Tims' contribution to FMF is advisory and practical with a charismatic view of the municipality and society.
Special Guest!!!
Jildou Bakker
Jildou was born and raised in Friesland. Ever since she was a little girl, she expressed her thoughts in the form of poems and stories. When she was eight, she started taking guitar lessons and soon set her poems to music and wrote her first songs, almost always inspired by her faith and by the people and stories around her. God still plays a very important role in her writing processes. "For me, writing is like praying."
Soon Jildou knew that she wanted to continue writing and singing about God. That is why she started with small performances on the stage of the church and at school. At the age of sixteen she released a CD with a friend as a duo. The duo "Jildou and Bernadette" has been performing in the region for a year and has built up a certain local fame.
Jildou experiences clear guidance from God in her life. This especially came to the fore when she had finished high school and had to make the choice for further education. Her dream was to study music, but in a wonderful way God brought her right where she needed to be. She chose to place it in God's hands and thus gave her the opportunity to do what she always wanted: to write and sing, for and with God.
March 10, 2017 Jildou released her debut CD "Openhartig." This CD was recorded at TCC studios in Veenendaal. The songs are inspired by the stories that Jildou hears and sees around him and how God plays a role in that. She writes about God's greatness, but the songs are not always about joy, but also about the difficult aspects of believing. For example in the song "Even Kwijt", in which Jildou describes how you can sometimes feel that you have "just lost" God, but that He never loses sight of you.
About a year later, in May 2018, Jildou released her first Single. The song "Through the streets" is about love and the desire for a close relationship, and can be found on YouTube in the form of a beautiful video clip. Jildou likes to sing her songs live for her audience and can be booked for a variety of performances via the email address: info@jildoubakker.nl .