Ready Church's 1st Birthday
Ready To Remember what God has done For us All
Ready Church, a plan given by God that was revealed and confirmed by the anointing of God's spirit.
And walking in His plan also meant being ready to go into the depths with Him;
Be willing to fully trust and believe in His plan.
"Not my will but Your will be done."
Complete surrender from a True heart.
A unanimous desire for true worship in Spirit and in Truth.
His love touches us so much through the revelation of His Word and His light that shines on our lives to be resurrected and to shine out. Isa 60: 1
A year with great joy but also with violent storms and turbulence, but Jesus was always there.
What have we experienced a lot, good news, sad news, celebrating parties, Easter, Christmas, honorary services with guest speakers etc ...
Everything in 1 year.
It taught us to surrender completely. Keep focus. To be completely dependent on His control over our lives. To stay true to the natural. Luke 16:10
It reminded us to stay in His Peace.
It taught us to deepen the relationship with Abba, Father. To be holy because He says "I am holy"
In order to be able to enter the holy of saints.
So the challenges were there
Illness, Sadness, defeat, injustice and more. Many flares have been fired by the enemy.
Rom 8:11 reminded us that the same spirit that lives in us raised Jesus from the dead.
That is why we stretch out to go out in His authority and
proclaim the Word and make disciples in full boldness.
We have not received a cowardly spirit, but a spirit of Power Love and Reflection. 2 Timothy 1: 7
All this in 1 year.
We want to thank everyone who made it possible in any way. All the things in our life that we can witness are like the stones of Remembrance in the following verse.
All the things in our life that we can witness are like the stones of Remembrance in the following verse.
after Samuel had prayed to God and when Israel defeated the Philistines in battle, we read:
1 samuel 7:12 Then Samuel raised a stone between Mizpa and Sen. He called that stone: Eben-Haëzer (= "Stone of help"). "Because," he said, "the Lord has helped us this far."
Remembering the things that God has done for us is very important. Important for ourselves so that we will never forget where we come from and how we got there, where we are now. In this way we maintain the awareness of God's mighty hand on our lives, memories tell the stories of God's Omnipotence and Love, they build our faith and those of the unbeliever. They are there to make God great and that is exactly what we want to do today, we all want to witness to His Goodness, Power, Power, Love, Care, Provision, Repentance, Salvation and Healing
Anyone now who has a testimony and who wants to share it with the church / world is welcome to do so. Register yourself via the contact form on this website and tell us in brief what you would like